About time. Well, young humanoid took a bit of a new direction when building X-12. He decreased the number of motors and electrical elements, limiting himself to only two NXT Intelligent Bricks and six motors. He started with a properly sturdy, tracked base equipped with a raised front. The NXTs were then mounted, then the upper section. Young humanoid built in two arms which raised together and activated a switch to close their pneumatic claws. The final motors operated the pneumatic pump, rubber band gun, and rotating head.
Young humanoid programmed X-12 with NXC. Placing tape stretching in a figure eight around his house, young humanoid decided that X-12 would follow the line to access different parts of the house. Young humanoid then placed different numbers of pieces of tape next to the main line in each area of the house. X-12 could count the amount of strips and then decide what area of the house he was located in.
Unfortunately, young humanoid never fully completed the programming of X-12. Shameful!