Friday, March 27, 2009

Pinball Machines

Here it is. The first very successful projects young humanoid made were these two pinball machines that you could actually play. Using the flippers, you could direct a large marble into one of two bumpers (for the machine on the left of the picture) or a bumper or a small, covered box (for the machine on the right of the picture)

Paint Robot

After room gaurd, came Paint Bot! Very very very very basic. It did nothing but paint a rectangle on a peice of paper in front of it, but young humanoid was proud anyway!

Room Gaurd

The room gaurd- very basic, designed to keep young humanoid's younger siblings out of his room. Granted, he never tested it, but it was programed to wait untill somone came into sight, fire a missle and then sound an alarm!


This is the second project, a simple drink mixer that used one motor. Not much to say, but even at this date young humanoid cannot figure out how its gearing worked!

The First Project - Birthday Bot!

Here we go. This is young humanoid's first project, a robot built to celebrate his mother humanoid's birthday. What it did was play the happy birthday song, and when the mother pressed the robot's touch sensor, it would cast its trailer over its head, which could hold small objects. Young humanoid and his siblings liked this one.

The Last Picture Before......

Here we finally go.....The first recorded NXT picture! Of course, some of you will notice both of the robots in the picture to be Lego-created models. However, this picture is significant because it is the last picture my young humanoid took before building his first custom NXT robot! And believe it or not, he has not built a instruction model since! (It's been two years)