Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Horseshoe Crab

NXT+NXT+RIS 2.0+Power Functions+PS2 Controller=26 AA batteries.
Once again, both. I thought that young humanoid would stop at The White Tortoise, but I should have known better. He bought an interface that allowed NXT to be controlled by a PS2 remote control, and he connected a few beams, put in a couple of pegs, attached a lot of motors and lot of batteries. This one had a lot of the same things that its predecessor had: Two rubber band guns, a mini bot, lights, ect. But it was missing the missile launcher and picked up a rubber band turret that could rotate and fire. This machine also included a automatic tailgate. But the main advantages this thing had over The White Tortoise was its much-enlarged remote-control range, and it could turn. Its main disadvantage is that it looked bad. And what do I think? A HUGE waste of batteries!

Thanks to LEGO's discontinued theme Exo-Force and rammjet's project Armadillo for the inspiration.